
عرض المشاركات من يونيو ١, ٢٠٢٤

The Goodbye

The Goodbye   Tears of Sadness Ella's best friend, Mia, was moving to another city. They had been inseparable since kindergarten, sharing secrets, laughter, and countless adventures. On Mia's last day, they played together one final time, trying to capture every moment. As the moving truck arrived, reality hit Ella hard. She hugged Mia tightly, not wanting to let go. Tears of sadness welled up in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks as they said their goodbyes. Mia promised to write and visit, but the empty space beside Ella felt too big to fill. As the truck drove away, Ella watched it disappear, her heart heavy with sadness.

The Playground Fall

The Playground Fall Tears of Pain Ben loved the playground, especially the big slide. One sunny afternoon, he raced to the top, ready for another thrilling ride. But in his excitement, he slipped and fell, scraping his knee on the rough gravel. The pain was sharp and immediate, and he cried out as tears streamed down his face. His mother rushed over, her face full of concern. She gently cleaned the wound and bandaged it, her comforting words and soft touch easing his pain. Ben's tears of pain gradually turned into sniffles, and soon he was back on the slide, more careful but still smiling