Eid Al , Adha

 Eid Al , Adha

On the morning of Eid al-Adha, Ahmed's family gathered in the big house. The women wore their best clothes, and the men prepared for the Eid prayer. The atmosphere was filled with joy and optimism.After the prayer, everyone returned home to a delicious breakfast. The grandmothers had prepared various dishes, from kabsa to traditional sweets. The children ran and played everywhere, and the sounds of laughter filled the air.In the afternoon, everyone visited their relatives. The visit was full of love and affection as they exchanged gifts and greetings. The family felt the true joy of Eid through their bonds and affection.They continued the day by visiting neighbors and friends, adding even more joy to the celebration. By evening, everyone sat down to share stories and reminisce about beautiful memories, knowing that this day would always remain in their hearts.


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