The boy who draws clouds on the walls

 The boy who draws clouds on the walls

In a small, sunlit room, a boy named Liam held piece of chalk with wonder. The white stick was his wand, the walls his sky. He began to draw clouds, each one billowing with imagination. 

First, he drew a simple cumulus, soft and fluffy. As he moved, the cloud expanded, morphing into shapes. One looked like a dragon, another like a castle floating in the sky. Liam’s eyes sparkled as he added more details: tiny birds, a sun peeking out, and a plane soaring high. His chalk moved swiftly, leaving a trail of white dust and magic.

The walls, once plain, transformed into a panorama of dreams. He imagined himself flying through these clouds, touching their cotton-like texture, feeling the cool, gentle breeze. He could almost hear the whoosh of the wind and the distant calls of birds. 

When his mother entered, she gasped, but then smiled. "Liam, it’s beautiful," she said, her eyes filling with pride. 

Liam beamed. For him, these clouds were not just drawings; they were portals to adventures, a canvas for his boundless creativity. Every day, he would add more to his sky, his imagination taking flight, painting the room with endless possibilities.



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